Ponteland Runners Membership includes membership of Ponteland Tri. Ponteland Tri is the Triathlon section of Ponteland Runners. All club members are members of both as they are simply two names for the same club.
Ponteland Runners is an affiliated Running club with England Athletics. To race in an England Athletics event for Ponteland Runners you have to have an England Athletics license. Included in the Ponteland Runners full membership fee is individual membership of EA at £10. The club manages this membership on your behalf from the details submitted online here. EA have a concept of First Claim and Second Claim clubs. You can only race for one club so if your already racing for another EA club you will be second claim with Ponteland Runners. You can only race in EA races for Ponteland Runners if you have an EA competition license, otherwise you have to race as an “unattached” runnerand pay the additional £2 for race insurance on your race entry fees.
Ponteland Tri is an affiliated Triathlon club with Triathlon England. To race in an BTF ( British Triathlon Federation ) event for Ponteland Tri you have to be a member of the club, but you do not have to have a Triathlon England license as you can purchase a “Day License” per individual event. Day licenses are managed by event organizers at the time of entry and sign-on. Individual membership of Triathlon England is not included in your Ponteland Runners membership fee. Individual membership is not managed by the club but is the responsibility of the individual. Individual membership is not necessary to race in BTF ( British Triathlon Federation ) events for Ponteland Tri. You can enter the race under the club name and pay for “Day License” for the necessary insurance. This is normally an extra £5 on the race entry fee. You can purchase individual membership of Triathlon England, including a club discount as you’re a member of Ponteland Tri. Current annual membership is £51, which is reduced to £40 as a club member.
Ponteland Runners Full Membership £20
Full membership is for membership of Ponteland Runners ( including Ponteland Tri ) including an England Athletics competition license. Membership does not include Triathlon England Individual Membership, details of which are explained above.
Ponteland Runners Second Claim/Non Competitive/Social Membership £10
Membership of the club is available without the England Athletics race license at a cost of £10 for the year. If selecting this category you cannot select the discounted club rate when entering EA races and must race as “unattached” athlete.