Ponteland Runners AGM July 2016

Ponteland Runners AGM – 3 July 2016

Location : Ponteland Golf Course

Present: David Buffham, Paul Holborrow, Sue Heppell, Chris Heppell, Peter Bartholomew, Dave Legg, Nikki Renton, Chris Wright, Viv Ferrier, Kathryn Lawson, Matty Bell, James Leiper, Miv Chahal, Abby Dorani, Pete Warcup, Tina Kelly, Chris Kenyon, David Stroud, Fiona McGargill, John McGargill, Helen O’Neil, Paul O’Neil, Richard Lowe, Susanne Nicholson


Chairs Introduction

Membership update given by Sue

Treasurers report given by Paul – accounts attached

Cross country update given by David – Jon P stepping down as men’s captain hence new captain required

Park Run, Park Run Championship, Club championship and marathon update given by David

Triathlon and Go Tri update given by Sue

Election/Re-election of officers – Dave Legg standing down, Nikki Renton taking his place as an ordinary club member. All other positions remain as is.

Chairman’s discussion – Quoting JFK My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Replace country for club and Americans with club members. A request for club members to participate in organising or helping with the running of the club ie Matty doing relay teams, Kelly doing the club social and quiz etc as this makes for a more active, fun club and shares the jobs around rather than a few trying to do everything.


Tina – issue with club vests raised. Committee will look into supply of new vests.

John Mc – can all run leaders ensure stretches are done at the end of runs.

David S – junior sessions and are there plans to expand the club to include juniors.

Thanks to Jon Parkin for the massive effort he has put into cross country for the club.

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