Ponteland Runners – Committee Meeting 20 Jan 2013
Present: D Buffham, M Schmid, C Heppell, S Heppell
1. Review of Finances
Chris went through accounts for the year.
The membership fees for the year 2013/2014 were discussed. Although EA have increased membership fees per individual from £5 to £10, the committee agreed to keep the club fees at £15 per annum and not to pass this additional cost on to members for the coming year. This will need to be reviewed in the future depending on the finances.
2. AGM/Club Night date
The committee decided to combine the AGM with a club night in The Diamond so people can socialise together prior to and after the AGM. Date for the AGM/Club Night is 17th March, The Diamond from 7.30pm, AGM to start at 8pm (will try and keep to 30mins max).
3. Club Championship
It was decided that we will award prizes for the top 3 places.
SH to look at prize options – Start Fitness gift vouchers and prices for a trophy for the winner
DB needs list of birthday of all members for the club championship. Action CH.
4. UKA – John Stacey
More support is needed from UKA rep John Stacey wrt juniors, running our own race, promoting the club. CH to speak to John and invite to our AGM.
5. Juniors
The possibility of including sessions for juniors was discussed in collaboration with local schools. DB to contact PCHS with the possibility of starting after the February half term.
6. Coach in Running Fitness
Possible dates for the coaching course for MS were reviewed. There is a possibility of 9/10th March at Harrogate. These dates are too early for MS and he can’t do the April dates. Will look at dates later in the year.
7. Fundraising for TBSF
As Tony Blair Sports Foundation has supported the club through the LiRF courses, it was agreed that we should support them by fundraising. Possibly Party in the Park this year, 9th June although this clashes with the Blaydon Race. We would need volunteers to man the stall. Add to AGM agenda.
8. Handicap Race
A date has been set for our annual handicap race. This will be Monday 6th May (May Bank Hol) and will replace the club run for that day. As last year, we will hold junior races too. Course as per last year, in the park. DB to confirm date is OK with the Council.
9. Club Vests
There is a change in pricing of club vests come April 1st. These are currently £12 each. From April 1st they will be offered to new members at time of joining for £12 each and will subsequently be £15 each. If you haven’t already got one and need one, place your order with Sue prior to 1st April.
Add dates to Facebook and website events calendar for AGM, handicap race, championship dates
CH to email members with AGM date, handicap race date, vest pricing, championship and membership renewals
AGM agenda to include:
Database of results, records, targets, groups running at different times and how we manage this as a club, logo for club, volunteers for Party in the Park.