Ponteland Runners – Committee Meeting 04 Jun 2013
Present: C Heppell, S Heppell, M Schmid, D Buffham
- CH gave update on membership status. 4 people have left the club, several we’ve not heard from. 47 have rejoined. More ladies from Tuesday evening due to join in the next few weeks.
- Leaders – more ladies are needed to help cover the Tuesday evening session. SH has sent email asking all ladies if they are interested and we had no replies. Possible candidates identified, Sue to approach them.
- Juniors – Very few turn up and it was discussed whether to continue with sessions if attendance doesn’t improve. Invitation to be sent to the juniors to come along to senior sessions. Track sessions to be identified for junior and senior members, DB to speak to Mr Atkinson to arrange dates.
- CiRF – dates for next course are 21/22nd Sept. MS to check availability for those dates.
- Logos – the concept ideas were well received. Possibility of concept 1 on rear with concept 2 front. CH to ask Torben. SH will find suppliers & costs for club hoodies.
- Welfare – Chrys Hudson has agreed to be the welfare officer for the club.
- Club mark – CH will organise this over the next few months.
- Account signatories – DB and MS to be added as signatories to the account.
- Monday evening away days (e.g. Newburn River run course) – was intention to do some away day Monday evening sessions. Decided to do these on a day other than Monday and keep club run as is and advertise in advance.
- Red kite trail – DB to organise date
- Blaydon race – many club members doing race. SH to start thread on FB to organise.
- Tent /shelter – JP looking to organise tent/shelter for XC. Funds are available to buy one – need to check price and how much we have available. Look at possible sponsorship for an event flag to go along with event shelter/tent.
- More committee members are needed. Possible positions race coordinator and social secretary. Possible candidates identified (Jon Parkin and Dave Legg). DB to progress to fill the ordinary committee member positions.
- Club championship – cup and awards need to be sorted.