Committee Meeting 29th Sept 2014

Ponteland Runners Committee meeting 29th Sept 2014

Present: David Buffham, Chris Heppell, Sue Heppell, Dave Legg, Jon Parkin, Paul Holborrow

Apologies: None

1.  Club championship update

Winner: Joanne Brown

Second place: David Buffham

Other Prize: (draw for voucher for all who complete 4 or more qualifying races): Paul Holborrow

David is to step down from organising the club championship for next year. Volunteers are required to take his place and to arranging the award categories for next year.

Sue to arrange start fitness vouchers.

2.  Harrier League.

Jon gave an overview of the different payment system this year. Club will pay for all those who participate. Names need to be collated for all who are potentially interested ASAP so that they can be registered.

A cake rota to be introduced for the harrier leagues this year.

Website/facebook report writing to be shared this year to spread the load.

First race 11th October.

3. Junior members

The issue membership for juniors was discussed. The committee agreed that if juniors are running at sessions with their parents ( who are members ) then no membership fee is necessary. This is to encourage junior members to run. If juniors run at sessions without parents and want to run at harrier league, then they would need to be a paid up member.

Membership fees for 2015 needs to be added to the agenda for the next committee meeting.

4. Bank account signatories

Paul Holborrow to be added as a signatory on the bank account. Agreed that we should remain with 2 signatures on the cheques.

Paul also becomes the primary user for online bank account access and also the main contact for Bank correspondence.  Chris/Paul to make the necessary arrangements.

5. Xmas/annual dinner

Options were discussed for the Xmas/annual dinner this year. Café Lowry has closed down so a different location was discussed. The Rock was agreed as the venue with a buffet, presentations, possibly photos from the year, quiz and raffle.

DL to check available dates

6. Finance update

Paul Holborrow provided an update on finance to the committee.  Paul and Chris also confirmed that the 2013-2014 accounts were completed and signed of by an independant reviewer.

7. Leadership update

Matty Bell and Chris Kenyon have attended the Leader in Running Fitness Course. Andy Gowens has deferred until December.

8. Autumn Newsletter

This needs to be written and distributed to club members. Sections to include:

Safety in the dark



Xmas dinner


Harrier league

9. AOB

New run schedule working well

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