Ponteland Runners Committee Meeting 13th Jan 2014
Present: D Buffham, C Heppell, S Heppell, D Legg, M Schmid, J Parkin
Apologies: None
1. Membership Fees – Various options were discussed and the committee agreed that Full Membership for 2014/15 year would be £20 paid by BACS or Cheque. Also a second claim, non EA competetive option would be available at £10. Full membership at £20 includes EA license and entry to Winter Harrier League.
2. Membership Renewals – CH to draft communication to members. Anybody who fails to renew will automatically leave the club on a specified date.
3. Club Championship – Options were discussed and agreed that it would be four races from six. DB and JP to agree which events.
4. Finance – CH provided a finance update to the committee.
5. Leaders and Coaching. – Partial funding for 1 x L1 Tri coach was approved. SH to check with TBSF if they have added Triathlon to their supported sports yet.
6. Committee Structure – The structure was discussed to ensure best matches the needs of the club. Will be further discussed before the AGM.
7. AOB: – No other business.