Ponteland Runners/Tri Membership Renewals 2017/2018
For the 2017/18 year Ponteland Runners will be asking members to renew their membership online. All current members will receive an email at their registered email address to make payment.
England Athletics affiliated has increased from £13 to £14 for 2017/18. Ponteland Runners/Tri club membership has increased from £10 to £11. Full membership including England Athletics affiliation is therefore £25, Social/None competitive membership is therefore £11.
Your email renewal request will assume your membership type is the same as the previous year. If you need to change your membership type please contact the club secretary at secretary@pontelandrunners.org.uk
Your membership renewal request will come from noreply@englandathletics.org and will be entitled “Payment Request from Ponteland Runners”. The email will include the following link to an invoice to enable you to pay online.
When you follow the link it will take you to payzip, and will look like the picture below.
Once you then request payment you’ll be taken to secure payment gateway with Barclays.
When you pay your full membership the EA portal automatically pays your £14 to England Athletics Bank account and the £11 Ponteland Runners membership to Ponteland Runners Bank Account.
Ponteland Runners have to pay a small percentage of your membership fee for the online transaction fees.
Ponteland Runners do not plan to take cash or cheques for payments for the 2017/18 renewals. If you don’t wish to pay using the portal you have the following two options.
Online Banking
Please email the treasurer@pontelandrunners.org.uk and request the club bank account details. You can then make you payment via online banking. Once complete please confirm it’s been paid online by emailing the treasurer and cc the secretary@pontelandrunners.org.uk
Manual Payment at a Bank
Please email the treasurer@pontelandrunners.org.uk and request the club bank account details. You can then make a payment in any physical branch of HSBC to the club bank account. Once complete please confirm it’s been paid online by emailing the treasurer and cc the secretary secretary@pontelandrunners.org.uk