Special General Meeting Monday 26th August 2013 15:30hrs
Ponteland Runners have received five resolutions that require approval from the membership in order to amend the club constitution.
A quorum is 6 members of the club, this is required for a valid SGM. A majority of the voting members is required to pass the resolution. A minimum of three weeks notice is required to call an Special General Meeting ( SGM ). All members must receive notice of the SGM. Proxy votes can be submitted to the SGM via the secretary for anybody who can not attend and wishes to vote.
Resolution 1
- Amend the Club Constitution to add “Ponteland Tri” and “Ponteland TriAthlon” as alias names for Ponteland Runners. Also amend the Club Constitution to make necessary changes to add British TriAthlon rules to the relevant sections in addition to England Athletics.
Resolution 2
- Amend the club constitution to remove the statement “Subscription fees will not be payable by Members under 18 or in full time education.
Resolution 3
- Amend the club constitution to change the statement for introduction of new members from “… shall be considered by the Committee,….” to “…. Shall be considered by any 2 members of the Committee,…….”.
Resolution 4
- Amend the club constitution to change the objectives of the club from “…. Promotion of recreational and competitive running in the Ponteland area…..” to “…. Promotion of recreational and competitive running, including fell running, trail running, duathlons and triathlons, in the Ponteland area…..”
Resolution 5
- Amend the club constitution to change the timing of the AGM from “In March” to “within 3 months of 31st March” .
Background Information
Resolution 1 relates to the club affiliating to Triathlon England. In order to affiliate the club requires these constitutional changes. Affiliation for Jan-Dec 2014 is being funded by Triathlon England so is no cost to the club. Affiliation for Jan-Dec 2015 will be considered by the committee at the time given evidence of benefits to the club in 2013/2014.
Resolution 2 has been added as junior members have the same England Athletics license costs of £10 as senior members so membership fees should apply.
Resolution 3 is to simplify the joining process for new members.
Resolution 4 is to reflect the wide range of interests within the club and adjust the objectives of the club to promote these interests within Ponteland.
Resolution 5 is to allow the club accounts to be ready in time for the AGM each year.
Further Information
If you require any additional information please contact Chris.Heppell@pontelandrunners.org.uk and I will answer the query.