The weather conditions couldn’t have been better at Ashington this morning when 12 Ponteland Tri members arrived to take part in the early morning sprint tri. Unfortuneately a recent injury to Sue on holiday resulted in only 11 taking part, and an ankle problem to Katie during the run gave us only 10 finishers. Martin Hallissey finishing with a fantastic second place overall and adverted the club using his club hoodie on the podium whilst collecting his award. Results for our members as follows, with full results available here.
Best tri-suit award must go to Paul for his RAF kit, seen on the left here. A special mention to Mark Perry for a fantastic time for his first triathlon, and with the weight of a mountain bike to push round the course!! Well done Mark. Another special mention to Katie who I believe was the youngest participant today in a field which ranged from 15 – 74!
Everyone participating enjoyed the event, with most promising to be back next year. I may try and hold all our club members to that and expect them to improve the times….
Danny was smiling all the way round, looked far too much like he was enjoying it.
I must finish with a thanks to VO2max Racing Events for hosting a great triathlon which was really well organised. The marshalls on the day did a fantastic job, including much needed encouragement as we went round the course. Ashington Tri has been selling out quicker each year so if you are consideing taking part entries for 2015 will probably open 1st Nov this year.