AGM meeting minutes 2nd July 2017
Present: D Buffham, P Holborow, C Heppell, S Heppell, N Renton, P O’Neil, H O’Neil, S Levison, D Levison, L Choake, A Tweddell, V Ferrier, M Storey, R Smedley, R Lowe, H Finlay, T Prince, J McGargill, F McGargill
- AOB from AGM 2016 – Information on stretches at the end of runs are available for all leaders and should always make sure these are delivered. Update on status of the junior section given, small grants application in progress to qualify coaches and get equipment etc to support this. Vests continue to be an issue and the supplier Viga continue to be an issue.
- Treasurers report delivered, accepted by all.
- Election/re-election of members: no nominations and all committee members re-elected.
- Chairman’s report delivered by DB.
- Any use in a closed facebook group for tri raised by DL. Agreed that this was not necessary
- HF raised question of emergency contacts and also more variety on Sunday runs ie away runs. Emergency contact will be discussed by committee. We will incorporate away runs into the schedule.
JMc raised question of night runs as an option