Well what a perfect night for our first Go Tri of the year, the sun was shining and it was the hottest day of the year so far. 42 participants took part and for 8, this was their first ever triathlon so there were a few nerves around but the freindly marshals were around to help them out.
It’s always great to see a mix of abilities taking part in these events so along with the novices we had some nice TT bikes and pointy helmets on show of the really fast guys and girls using this as a nice little bit of training and I was certainly impressed by some of the fast mounting and dismounting, not that I’ll be trying any of that as it would definitely end up in injury!
Well done to everyone who took part and especially to all the marshals without whom , these events could not take place. Remember the next one is less than two weeks away on 7th June
Photos from the event can be found on the ponteland runners facebook page.
Here’s the results from last night;