Go Tri Ponteland – 2nd July – EVENT FULL

Our next Go Tri Ponteland event on Wednesday 2nd July is full. Demand has been very high and we’ve had a huge response for places within the past week.

We have a waiting list just in case we have any cancellations. Please let me know if you can no longer take part so that those on the waiting list can take your place.

MARSHALS REQUIRED – we could always do with more marshals to direct participants on the night so If you’re available, please come along and help out. We would need you there from 6.30 until the event finishes, approx 8.30. Please get in touch if you’d like to help out.

Go-Tri Aquathlon 15-05-2014

Great weather on Wednesday evening 15-05-2014 saw Ponteland Tri host their first Go-Tri event, in fact the clubs first event ever.   19 starters lined up on the side of Ponteland pool for an 8 length swim,  followed by a 2.5k run.  We had a good mix from beginners trying multi-sport events to experienced triathletes using it as a training session.

Our next event is a Triathlon in June and we hope we will get another evening with similar weather so all participants can enjoy the event.


6th Anniversary of TBSF

Three of our leaders in running fitness were invited along to a very special VIP event hosted by the Tony Blair Sports Foundation (TBSF) to celebrate their 6th Anniversary.

The event was a breakfast meeting at the Copthorne Hotel on the quayside and was attended by Tony Blair as well as Arlene Ainsley and Jeanette Pickard from the TBSF. Tony gave a short speech followed by him sitting at each  table to spend time talking to everyone about their volunteering roles.

Suzanne Dunn &  Kelly Graham are 2 of the TBSF’s newest members (and will be doing the LiRF course next weekend) and were invited along with me. We all had a fab morning and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

The TBSF have been instrumental in the development of our club with the majority of our leaders being part or wholly funded by the TBSF.

Thanks TBSF for a really enjoyable morning!


Come along and Run with Ponteland Runners

Next week we are inviting anyone to come along and try any of our running sessions. You don’t have to pre-register, just turn up to one of the sessions. If you’ve just done the GNR and need some motivation to keep that fitness, it’s an ideal time to come along and try us. Sessions are as follows:
Monday 8pm Ponteland leisure centre – main club session of about 6 miles training run (intermediates/advanced)
Tuesday 7pm Ponteland leisure centre – ladies only social run 3 to 4 miles at 10-11min/mile steady run (beginners)
Thursday 9.15am Meet on the corner of Darras road and eastern way. 4 to 5 miles training run (beginners/intermediates)
Friday 7pm from Ponteland leisure centre. Steady run 4 to 5 miles (intermediates/men’s beginners)
Please share the post with your friends and relatives. It’ll be great to see a load of new faces coming along and it’s always easier when you know that you’re not the only new one there.  For more information email secretary@pontelandrunners.org.UK

Newburn River Run – Wed 19th June 2013

A warm clear night provided the perfect backdrop for the Newburn River run this year.  Ponteland Runners had 8 runners in the race, (plus a few second claim members) including regulars from Monday and Thursday club sessions so a great opportunity for some from the club to meet each other.

Jon Parkin & Mark Lyon came in with very close performances for the Men,  followed by Joanne Brown (Right) and Eva Lowther for the ladies.  We also had good performances from  David Buffham,  Paul Holborow ( First race as a Ponteland Runner ), Sue Heppell, Fiona Harker and Nikki Morrow ( Photos below ) from the Thursday morning sessions. Great to see a good turnout from Ponteland at a race which continues to prove popular.  Again our thanks go to Elswick Harriers for running an excellent race.   Next is the Weetslade relay next Wednesday with Ponteland having 2 teams entered as we did last year.

Blaydon Race – Sunday 9th June

Sunday 9th June,  as always, is the Blaydon Race.  2013 saw 18 Ponteland Runners enjoying some warm weather and running this traditional Race.  For the ladies, Joanne Brown came in first with an excellent 37.49, Claire Tumia came in second with 40.49 and in third place came Chrys Hudson in 44.11.

The Ponteland Runners men were led in by Mark Lyon in 36.18 followed by Jon Parkin at 37.36 and third across the line was Joe Bell in 40.09.  Everyone enjoyed the race and were pleased that the weather wasn’t a repeat of last years downpour. In fact it was a complete opposite with the sun breaking through the clouds at 2pm in time for us gathering at the start. It was hot, very hot !

Our thanks go to Blaydon Harriers for a well organised day, as always, and everyone is looking forward to next year.