The Yorkshire Coast 10km Sunday 30th Oct 2016

Ponteland Runners, or runner, as it was just Tim Allsop on his own, were on tour in Yorkshire for the 10km costal run. Tim did the club proud finishing 19th overall and won the V45 category in a field of over 1600. His time a very impressive 37.28. This is the sort of results we are really keen to shout about and it’s great to hear about Tim’s success.

Well done Tim!!. Results can be found here.

Ponteland tri at TRI Ponteland Triathlon Sun 7th Aug

Total Racing Internation run the triathlon with which we share a name, so it’s no surprise that with it being local we have a good attendance at the event. It was great to see a couple of club members picking this as their first triathlon and really enjoying the event and the opportunity to compete alongside many of the experienced club triathletes.

Sunday 7th August was windy, so not the best day to be racing out on the bike leg of a triathlon up Limestone Lane.  This didn’t deter the 17 Ponteland Tri members who all participated despite the conditions.  We heard on the day that the percentage of participants who didn’t turn up was much higher than normal, which must have been due to the wind. Apologies to Tony and Rob who we couldn’t find for the team photo opportunity at the end. Special mention to Elaine Stroud and John McGargill, with ladies vets 2nd place and male supervets 2nd place. It is a surprise to see how strong the male vets field is now with Mark Turnbull coming 8th overall and 5th in the Vets. You’d expect 8th overall to win a vets prize but triathlon is very highly contested in the vets/supervets categories.

Results below, although I am missing Rob’s results as couldn’t see them on Resultsbase.


Ponteland Tri – Go Tri #3 Wed 3rd August

Great to see 13 club members enjoying the Go-Tri last night, despite the rain and wind.  Well done to all, great mix of experienced triathletes and beginners and everyone looked to have fun. Transition was a touch crowded with 64 participants but the smooth organisation of our volunteer marshalls in the pool soon had the event underway. At one point we had swimmers and bikes arriving in transition, whilst bikes and runners were leaving. The marshalling between the transition and the car park was a little hectic for a short period. Classic error of the day was one of our own Ponteland Tri members about to run out of transition with his bike but without any shoes on. He’d put his towel over his bike shoes to ensure they didn’t get wet and then forgot them.  A friendly shout from a marshall of “Shoes” helped him remember.  I’ll not embarrass Paul by naming him….

The weather was really badly timed producing some heavy rain whilst many were heading down the fast part of the bike leg from High Callerton, but everyone was considerate of the rain and we didn’t have any incidents.  The marshalls all seemed to enjoy the event as much as the participants so a great evening was had by all.

I hope everyone is back next year when we plan to run another set of Go-Tri’s using the same format and routes so you can compare results.

Below is a link to download excel spreadsheet of the results, including category positions.

Ponteland Tri Go-Tri Wed 13th July

The second go-tri this year saw a great turnout, we had all 60 places sold-out prior to the event although only 47 participating on the day. It was a fine evening with a good range of experience and first timers taking part.  Picture to the left shows the ladies from the club who were taking part, some in their first triathlon so well done all. Results below,  club members highlighted in grey.

Good to see so many of the club members out, both volunteering to run the event and participating.  Hope everyone enjoyed the evening and is looking forward to the final go-tri this year on Wed 3rd August.

Ponteland Tri Go-Tri #1 Wed 22nd June

The first Go-Tri in 2016 for Ponteland Tri went off really well. We had 49 entrants, although we only got 42 on the day due to late work committments, illnesses and injuries. The marshalling from the club volunteers was brilliant and the weather couldn’t have been better.

Great to see a nice mix from experienced triathletes to beginners all enjoying the event, and this year we had a very competitive team competition between some club member families, a re-match may be required once we see the results!!

Although a low cost Go-Tri we did manage to manually log T1 and T2 times to give the participants as much of the triathlon experience as we could. This along with having race numbers written on their arms worked well in giving the full “tri” experience.

Swimmers started at 30 second intervals in the pool and in no time we had swimmers along with people in transition and bikes flying out to the mount line. With the short distances in a go-tri the event is soon in full swing and then very quickly over.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and we will upload as many photos as we can to our facebook page so look there for additional photos.

Anyway, here are the results. Well done to all and hope to see you again on Wed July 13th.

All the best from Ponteland Tri Volunteers.